Executive Board Update

Sisters and Brothers,

Following the recent nomination of officers meeting, I am proud to report that the entire executive board of Teamsters Local Union 879 has been acclaimed to a new 5-year term of office starting January 1st 2023. Your executive board is as follows:

·         John McCann     President/Principal Officer

·         Ernie Bishop                       Vice President

·         Danny Mitchell  Secretary Treasurer

·         Lenna Phenix     Recording Secretary

·         Jen Willis                              Rank and File Trustee (Gateway Casino)

·         Ian Brown                           Rank and File Trustee (Hutton Transport)

·         TJ Scott                                 Rank and File Trustee (GardaWorld)

On behalf of your executive board, i thank you for your continued support and commit to everyone that we will uphold the principles and interests of this local union and will never forget that it is the members who put us here and it is the members whom we shall serve.

